Free Speech at WCC: Oppressed or Expressed?

Political activity on college campuses has been on the rise throughout many major institutions across the country, but has WCC’s campus followed those same trends?  For a variety of reasons, WCC’s inclusion and support for free speech activities, also known as “expressive activities,” seems muted, with space and guidelines for…

A Message of Hope Amidst a Sea of Climate Doomism

During a lecture at Western Washington University on Tuesday, March 5, author and scholar Elin Kelsey, in collaboration with the Salish Sea Institute, shared the importance of maintaining a spirit of hope – evidence-based hope – amidst disheartening climate news. Media stories of climate change rarely feature a solution to…

ASWCC Student Government gives every student a voice

The ASWCC Student Government, which includes the Executive Board and the Senate, is working on several projects aimed at improving students’ experiences at WCC and amplifying their voices. ASWCC is the acronym for Associated Students of Whatcom Community College, whereas the ASWCC Student Government is the group of students selected…

“I Need to Start a Garden” Review

Portland-based musician Haley Heynderickx’s debut album “I Need to Start a Garden,” released in March 2018 under Mama Bird Recording Company, has recently garnered more attention, including mine, via TikTok recently when track two, “The Bug Collector,” experienced some virality. This indie folk album explores self-doubt, faith, love, and gardens…

DVSAS Comes to WCC

This quarter, Whatcom Community College has partnered with Whatcom County’s Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services (DVSAS) to provide more resources on campus for survivors and people in need. The overall mission of DVSAS is to support the victims of domestic violence (DV) and sexual violence (SV) and help the…

Tenant Protections in Whatcom County

A Brief Look Into Rent Control, Assistance and Landlords by Sorrel Thoerner, Simon Shultis, and Ian Degnin. Renters in Whatcom County are collectively exhausted with the cost and quality of their rental units. Prices of units are on the rise and the quality of units is steadily decreasing. Rent control is…

Volunteers Aid Students in Their Goal to Learn English

By Nathan Welch and Miles Vander-Vennet An English-Language Learners class led by Catalina Hope ended in celebration, as students and ELL volunteers alike came together after the class successfully completed their English assessments for the quarter. During the class’s celebration, students spoke amongst their classmates, family members, and instructors, eating…

WCC’s Pickleball Club Faces Off at Volli

Written by Nathan Welch and Miles Vander Vennet. WCC’s own Pickleball Club hosted an event in conjunction with Volli, a private recreation center just across the way from Cedar Hall that is dedicated to pickleball and a few other games. With attendance close to a dozen at this event, members…

Indigenous Disasters Matter

Magaly Aguayo wants to raise awareness about underreported natural disasters and bring attention to the ways that indigenous communities are disproportionately affected by natural disasters.  “In Mexico, their voices are always quieted down,” she said. “There’s a huge split between indigenous people and the ones that colonized.” A magnitude 7.7…