
Whatcom Community College’s student-run newspaper for all things Whatcom. 

The Horizon has been the student newspaper of Whatcom Community College since 1973. It is student-produced and funded primarily by S&A fees and advertising. The Horizon is considered a public forum and therefore, articles, commentaries, photographs, and cartoons are welcome from any enrolled students for possible publication (see below).

Editorials and reviews reflect the opinion of the author. Advertisements in the Horizon do not reflect the opinion of the newspaper. When funding allows, the print version of The Horizon is distributed free on and around campus, entitling each person to one copy.

Thank you for supporting democracy in education. Your paper, your voice!

Winter 2025 Editors and Interns

Charlie Henton

Siri Beckman

Fall 2025 Staff Reporters

Tidricus Williams

Dana Ringler

Annette Townsend

Temesgan Neguse

Ava Fry

Faculty Advisor

Joanna Kenyon
Joanna Kenyon, Horizon advisor jkenyon@whatcom.edu
Win 25 Office Hours (CAS 129):
M 11:15-11:45 a.m., W 1-1:30 p.m.
Horizon Classes: MW 1:30-3p.m.

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