by Alex Moreno

Working on the Horizon student newspaper has been my best experience at Whatcom so far.
I could not have foreseen my level of involvement in the Horizon when I started attending Whatcom.
Throughout my time at the Horizon, I had great insight and development in a real-world parallel into the struggles of publication and the practices that accompany the grand task of printing a paper.
The publication schedule has kept the staff here fighting to stay on top of a fast moving environment, work together as a team, and use the resources around us efficiently.
Writing articles, overseeing diverse interviews and interactions, and researching our institution and community provides a clear view into how Whatcom works.
Realizing the Horizon is the voice for all students to other students, professors, and administration is crucial as an institution and community.
As a fellow student, I hope you recognize the Horizon as a platform to start the conversation, facilitate discussions, question things, and seek answers.
Getting involved in the Horizon is simple and achievable in many different forms and levels of commitment.
The Horizon is a class that is open to all students, even those who haven’t taken journalism classes yet. Or you can sign up for the newswriting class first and then join the Horizon.
Those in the newsroom meet the deadlines every other week with articles ready for publication but we are open to submission of any kind from any enrolled student.
The Horizon wants to receive your articles, opinion pieces, cartoons, art, and publication suited creations.
We are always interested and in story recommendations and leads on interesting news around our community.
It’s great to hear what people think of the publication, the array of stories, the format, the photos, the letter from the editor, the graphics, and any thoughts about the paper.
We are students still learning, growing, and working our way through trial and error, so feedback, recommendations, and some help along the way is always greatly appreciated.
The Horizon is a closeknit team with a supervising professor, but run off student power.
Involvement in the Horizon is a tremendous way to connect with those around you, learn about your community, and gain real world experience in journalism.
Here are some words from other Horizon staff members:
Simon Thomas, Assistant Editor:
“The Horizon made me more prepared for journalism classes at western and I feel like a more responsible student now.”
Justin Busby, Staff Writer:
“The Horizon has taught me to listen more and ask better questions.”
Sophia Crossley, Staff Writer:
“It’s OK to be bad at something. If you can embrace that, then you can begin to grow.”
Shelby Ford, Production Editor:
“The Horizon gives students a glance into real world journalism. I’ve learned things about layout and publication design that I can take with me into a professional career.”
Cat Wallace, Advisor:
“I’m really impressed by the level of proffesionalism and sheer tenacity of this staff, even if it does take well into the night to get the paper out.”
So, keep it real and join the Horizon fall quarter.